Tall Spaghetti offers high quality opportunities for the public to learn mindfulness meditation or to deepen their existing mindfulness, mainly taking place in Sheffield. Meditation is a nourishing practice which is beneficial for your well-being and quality of life.
Your mindfulness course and event offerings:
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course (MBSR)
For beginners.
A fabulous opportunity to learn about mindfulness and to learn how to meditate. Great for stress-reduction and life-enhancement.
Taking place 1 evening a week for 8 weeks. Offered on an ongoing basis.
Please follow the link for course dates
Mindfulness Continuation
For people who already have mindfulness meditation experience.
Providing a chance to gather and meditate with other local meditators. This may be in an evening Sitting Group or a Day Retreat. Enrich your connection to mindfulness. Or rekindle your meditation practice.
Click the link above to see what opportunities are currently available.
Silent Mindfulness Weekend Retreat
A secular retreat for those with a pre-existing meditation practice.
Spend a weekend in silence and meditation. A chance to deepen your presence.
The next weekend retreat is from Fri 20 Apr to Sun 22 Apr 2018.
If you are a beginner and would like to attend a silent meditation weekend, get in touch – if there is enough interest, we’ll create a retreat just for you.
Sign up to the Mindfulness for the Public Mailing List
Keep yourself informed of local mindfulness courses and events (Sheffield and Yorkshire) …..
Tall Spaghetti mindfulness Facebook page
Keep up to date with matters mindfulness! ‘Like’ my mindfulness Facebook page!
This Facebook page contains interesting and useful posts on mindfulness and meditation. I also advertise any local events and courses on here.
The importance of an experienced mindfulness teacher
Although mindfulness can be deceptively simple initially, there are layers and layers, which can reveal themselves over years. It is often described as a journey for a lifetime. Learnings and insights arise over time and become more and more embodied. Challenges and queries also come up along the way. A mindfulness teacher who has been practising meditation for a good time will have experienced ups and downs, discoveries and insights
I first began meditating in 2005. Today, I am as passionate about and fascinated in this subject as ever. I continue to test it out and to inquire. I also adhere to appropriate professional standards and training – see below.
“Mindfulness is a subtle practice and can only be taught well by people with considerable personal experience.”The Mindful Nation report, Oct 15
My professional experience and training
In addition to my long-standing personal practice, I have attended mindfulness teacher training at Bangor University. Also, I am a registered teacher of mindfulness on the listing of The UK Network of Mindfulness-Based Teacher Training Organisations. This means that I have demonstrated through an assessment process that I adhere to the UK Good Practice Guidelines for mindfulness teachers, which includes that:
- I am suitably trained
- I am committed to continuous professional development
- I hold appropriate insurance
- I receive supervision for my teaching
- I attend annual silent meditation retreats
Register your interest in mindfulness
To discuss the above and how mindfulness could work for you, please get in touch with me, Rachael, either by filling in this form or calling 07876 495 968.
[contact-form-7 id=”528″ title=”General Mindfulness Interest”]