My style is natural and relaxed. I employ key principles, which get results. My approach draws from NLP, coaching, mindfulness, 19 years experience of working in this field, ongoing explorations in personal development, and from my own insights.
Below you can read about some of the main aspects of my approach.
In Tall Spaghetti training and coaching sessions, there is an ambiance of care, respect, sensitivity, humanity and non-judgment. It feels safe. The style is relaxed and informal. Care is taken that you feel comfortable to reflect, participate and discuss. This enables you to explore the matter at hand with openness and honesty.
People have reported that they find the online format a really positive experience and 'just as good as in person'.
We can be identified with, and carried away by, our thinking. We make things up, project, ruminate, create interpretations, weave narratives, distort, worry, generalise, catastrophise, resist. And then we suffer.
In becoming more aware of this trance of thinking, we become less entangled. New possibilities emerge. We can create perspectives that feel more balanced or helpful. We can cultivate healthier attitudes of mind. We can use our attention more skilfully.
We can also consider that we are not our thoughts and ground ourselves in the direct experience of the moment now.
It is a fascinating and powerful exploration. Come join me in investigating your own experience.
What are the inner and outer mechanisms that are leading to the outcomes you are getting?
We have a 'resource pack' - the body, thoughts, our actions, and feelings. Each 'part' can influence each other 'part'. For example, the way we think affects the way we feel, which affects the body, which affects our impulses to action.
It is one interlinked system. We can use our resource pack to influence the system and to impact our outcomes.
It is logical. We can break things down, be less automatic and see more clearly. That insight begins to break us free from unhelpful mechanisms and lays the ground for bringing in more helpful ones. There is a stucture to experience.
For self-awareness, self-care and self-development, we need to take a look 'within'. Non-judgment, compassion and curiosity allow us to witness our own experience. This supports valuable self-knowledge and insight.
Meeting and holding experience in spacious and compassionate presence can be transformative. Through coaching and training, you can explore what this means and looks like.
In Tall Spaghetti training and coaching, the emphasis is on making a genuine, meaningful, positive difference in people's lives. It is practical and useful. I ensure that it is accessible, understandable and memorable. People can readily make real use of the ideas, tools and shifts.
You get to apply the tools ongoing as you navigate the ups and downs of work and life. People report that, over time, the techniques and perspectives become more and more embodied. They evolve into a 'way of being'.
Tall Spaghetti training and coaching is infused with mindfulness principles, such as
- becoming more present
- being able to take a wide view
- curiosity and investigation of experience
- connecting to yourself more
- self-awareness
- clear-seeing
- freedom from unconscious patterns
- increasing consciousness, as opposed to automaticity
- noticing your inner guidance
- cultivating non-judgement and compassion
- connecting to your environment more
If you would like to specifically look at developing greater mindfulness, then please see Tall Spaghetti Mindfulness Training
Connection is vital for experiencing positive impact through Tall Spaghetti training and coaching. We need to connect to ourselves to recognise where we are, what we are feeling, what matters to us, and what we want. When we are self-attuned we can hear the inner wisdom, nudges and guidance.
Connection to others and to the world around us, being fully present in our moments - this is truly life-enhancing. This is as opposed to going through the motions, being on automatic, getting lost in swirls of reactivity, being caught up in the mind, being overly focused on the future (or the past).
Tall Spaghetti training and coaching helps you be here, grounded, connected to yourself and the world. This helps you to be self-aware, and to live with vibrancy and aliveness.