How About Finding Yourself a Well-being Buddy?

Well-being is so important, yet often taken for granted. Things are working or not working and maybe we don’t give too much time or thought to this. What if you dedicated some time each week to checking in on yourself and reflecting what would be most useful right now? And what if you did this in connection with another person, …

The Little Things

I recently returned to attending in person yoga classes, after a period of absence, and it was lovely to say ‘hello’ to the yoga teacher, to have casual interactions with others who were attending, and to express thanks to the teacher at the end. These may seem so little that it appears insignificant, but I feel it is important. Jon …

Carefree in a Field

I just came back from a small festival and I felt more relaxed than I have in a good while, enjoying lovely human connections and great music. I had not actually realised how much my body, mind and spirit would benefit. Our state of being can creep in bit by bit and it may appear that we are feeling fine. …

Tuning Out To Tune In

We need to ‘cut the information umbilical cord’ – so says Tim Ferris, author of The 4-Hour Work Week. We can’t read and listen to everything, right? Although I sometimes seem to attempt this! Could we benefit from tuning out from the information overload and tuning in to ourselves? There is so much to know and to learn. We can …


Life can be a bit of an emotional roller coaster and it is normal to experience triggers – large or small. So, sometimes we might want to ‘ground ourselves’. But what does this mean? And how do you do it? Grounding ourselves is about re-establishing a feeling of calm, stability and composure. Anything that produces this effect could be considered …

Permission To Be Human

‘Permission to be human’ is a phrase I have used for many years. It’s an antidote to ‘shoulds’ and self-judgment. I am a passionate advocate of this way of living. We can have a sense that we will be ok at some future point when we have achieved some particular inner state or outer goal. But, we are ok right …

Nourishing Nature – Free Mood-Enhancement

Recently I looked a little more into the scientific reasons why being in nature feels so good. It was pretty fascinating. Here are some things I discovered… Microbes in the soil positively impact our serotonin profile. Being around, and touching, soil boosts our mood. In a forest, we breathe in phytoncides, airborne chemicals emitted by plants. Phytoncides help plants fight …

Washing Machine

Sometimes we can feel as if we’ve been spinning round in the washing machine. This can follow certain challenging events or times of change. After this ‘washing machine spin cycle’, we may feel unsettled, confused, disoriented, upside down and somewhat lost. In the pandemic, we experienced, lockdowns, openings up, closing downs, radical changes in what work and life looks like. …

Being in Your Head

The mind is a wonderful thing. Its capacities for planning, remembering, inventing and imagining are, quite frankly, astounding. But also, my feeling is that we can be too much ‘in the head’. If we spend too much time operating from the mind, it can get full, tired, foggy and unoriginal. Coming from the mind then becomes counterproductive. It is so …

Liberation, Creative Self-Expression and Effortlessness

There was a long gap when I didn’t write any blogs for my business. One key reason for this is that it would take me sooooo long to write them, as I tried to drill down to find the perfect word or expression and to really put my finger on what I was trying to say. I would get in …