Light & Bright Course

A 7-week life-enhancing online course to help you feel lighter and brighter


Please note, I have not yet identified the next date for this course to run. Please contact me to join the waiting list and I will inform you when Light and Bright runs again.

This is a space for you to take care of your well-being and personal growth. We work with the 5 pillars of self-care, self-compassion, presence, self-awareness, and choice. So, you can be more grounded, calm, resourceful, content, vibrant, and empowered.

Enjoy 7 live online sessions, once a week. Each session is 2 hours.

A special invitation to experience personal growth and improved well-being

Thank you for considering this course and being open to how you can feel lighter and brighter.

I am delighted to bring you this new course, which is the result of 17 years working in this field, and dedicating myself to my own inner work and explorations. The time is ripe in the world for personal growth, and well-being has now become a top priority. I believe that we can benefit enormously in our own lives by taking great care of our inner state. And as we find our way towards experiencing more peace, stability, contentment, authenticity, compassion, and joy, it ripples out. Not only does it positively impact our own lives, but it sends positive reverberations into the world. And the world needs this.

I’ve spent many years studying and exploring well-being, confidence, mindfulness, and personal development. My work is embodied – it comes from the inside out. I have trained in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), coaching, and mindfulness. My long-standing meditation practice has enriched my life and provided powerful insights, which support the work I do. I’ve helped many people experience shifts and transformations.

In this ‘Light and Bright Course’, I share thoughts, tools and ideas related to well-being and personal growth. I ensure a safe group container for your reflections and explorations. The core methodology which the course will employ is self-care, self-compassion, self-awareness, presence, and choice. These are powerful activators, which will help you feel lighter, brighter and more grounded, in more of your moments.

Everyone can benefit from taking great care of themselves and investing in their personal growth. It does not matter what your starting point is or what your context is. You can make use of the content in whichever way suits you individually. You may feel stuck? You may feel fine but are curious about new ways that can enhance your life? You may feel confused? You may want to break out of patterns? Let’s honour the full range of human experiences and emotions. This course helps you have some time for you, for your process, your emotions, your discoveries and your insights.

“Light and Bright is an excellent and valuable course.” Mark Rogers

This is for you if you want to …

  • dedicate some time for yourself
  • improve your well-being
  • dive into personal growth
  • connect to yourself more
  • take great care of yourself
  • be kinder to yourself
  • honour all your emotions and experiences, with no pressure to be a particular way
  • explore new possibilities that can enhance your inner state and your life
  • generally feel more grounded, calm, resourceful, content, vibrant, and empowered
  • feel lighter and brighter
  • feel better in yourself as you engage with your life
  • feel free to shine in your authentic way
  • explore these themes in a supportive group setting

I found the Light and Bright course with Rachael really worthwhile. Not only did I enjoy the weekly sessions, but I came away with ideas that were new to me and quite profound. The course content was excellent and obviously pulls from a lot of years of experience. I also feel I’ve acquired a range of practical approaches which are very easy to do and I know will stay with me. Cathy Keech

Helping you navigate life

Life can be tough, beautiful, messy, fun, fascinating, confusing, fulfilling, dull. This mixed bag of human experience may have been amplified over the recent times of the pandemic, as we faced more challenge, uncertainty, and unusual circumstances. So, how do we navigate things in a way that best serves us? How do we ride the waves? This is not about false positivity or bypassing. This course is for all of life. It’s about honouring and validating your experience, whatever it is, about bringing much kindness to yourself. Self-compassion is where lightness is found. You’ll discover what are the tools, attitudes, and habits, that are most supportive for you. And what is getting in your way? This course helps you align with, and step into, what is most helpful to you personally.

A powerful and comfortable group experience

You will get to connect with others on these valuable themes. This course will provide a safe space in which you can share, explore, discover, learn, be inspired, and grow in whatever way feels right to you. You will feel supported, seen and encouraged.

The sessions contain a mixture of…

  • Well-being and personal growth content – tips, tools, and ideas
  • Reflections and exercises
  • Activations (for immediate positive impact, such as breath exercises, mindfulness, or visualisations)
  • Group discussion and sharing
  • Small break out groups

A flavour of the course content

  • Well-being and self-development
  • Self-care, self-awareness, compassion, presence, and choice – the 5 pillars
  • Creating a resourceful state
  • Feeling grounded
  • Identifying, and feeling into, your intentions
  • Tuning into yourself and listening to your inner knowing
  • Discovering what is helpful and what hinders
  • Making conscious, empowering choices
  • Recognising your qualities and successes (big or small), and celebrating yourself
  • Accepting yourself exactly as you are
  • Making excellent use of your ‘resource pack’ – your body, mind, feelings, and actions
  • Living in ways that nourish and uplift you
  • Cultivating a helpful, kind, and positive mindset
  • Navigating difficulty with wisdom, compassion and presence
  • Being authentically you

Taking care of your inner world

This is about your inner world. It’s your way of being, your mindset, your energy, and your way of relating to experience. This is inherently beneficial. And as you take care of your inner world, and feel lighter and brighter, you will find it impacting your outer world in positive ways. It will influence your daily life, your interactions with others, your work, your decisions, and your actions.

“I found the ‘Light and Bright’ course enjoyable and worthwhile, with excellent delivery, and lots of interesting topics to explore and learn from. It has helped me reflect on myself, develop a positive mindset, reduce my stress levels and feel calmer. And it has set the seeds for my growth and development.” Corinne Davis

An insight into each session*

* Please note that the course has an organic quality and is subject to tweaks.

Session 1 – Setting intentions for the course

  • Grounding
  • Course introductions
  • Connecting as a group
  • Identifying what you want

Session 2 – Increasing your wonderful ability to help yourself

  • Creating resourceful states
  • Your ‘resource pack’ – body, mind, feelings, actions
  • Tapping into your inner knowing and capacities
  • Coaching around your course intentions
  • Making choices that serve you

Session 3 – Activating the 5 course pillars

  • The 5 pillars are…
    • self-care
    • compassion
    • self-awareness
    • presence
    • choice 
  • Recognising how these pillars are key to taking care of your inner state
  • Practices and ideas to help you activate the pillars in your daily life, such as: an inventory of basic well-being ingredients; how to ‘check in with yourself’ each day; a short meditation to cultivate compassion

Session 4 – Living with less self-judgment and more self-encouragement

  • Reducing self-doubt and self-criticism
  • Developing a positive self-view
  • Inhabiting the frequency of non-judgment
  • Accepting yourself exactly as you are and giving yourself permission for your full humanity
  • Holding experience (including emotions and thoughts) with presence and compassion

Session 5 – Navigating difficulty with wisdom and calm

  • Understanding stress reactivity
  • Calming the nervous system
  • Making wise choices and having coping strategies
  • Healthily processing emotions
  • Being less entangled and identified with stress
  • Having a balanced and bright outlook

Session 6 – Activating brightness and ease

  • Creating elevated states, such as fun and inspiration
  • Living with soul
  • Enjoying relaxation
  • Managing your energy
  • Connecting to the moment for enhanced pleasure
  • Sensing into your beautiful uniqueness 

Session 7 – Reviewing, celebrating, and looking forward

  • A recap of key principles and tools from the course
  • Reflections on your discoveries
  • Celebrating your journey through ‘Light and Bright’ and what you’ve gained as a result
  • Looking forward – how you maintain the course benefits
  • Visualisation, positive language, belief, and possibility – to supercharge your course outcomes and support you in going forward

How the 5 pillars help you to be light and bright

We will explore and activate the 5 pillars during the course. Here’s a taste of each pillar…


  • Presence is a place of stability, centredness and calm.
  • Presence supports self-awareness.
  • Through presence, we witness emotions and thoughts, rather than getting swept away by them.
  • New possibilities are available in each moment now.
  • When you are present, you are more connected to the moment. This brightens and enriches experience.


  • Cultivating kindness to ourselves and to our experience is transformative.
  • Holding difficulties in compassion is healing.
  • Without compassion, we can layer experience with judgment and self-criticism, which is destructive and tense.
  • Self-compassion in action is self-care.


  • It is important to recognise our needs and take care of them.
  • Often we can put ourselves last and can self-neglect. We can give all our energy to helping others, to busyness and tasks, to habits which do not lift, and to self-destructive patterns.
  • Self-care must be a priority, otherwise our cup is empty. This is unpleasant and ineffective.
  • When we show ourselves love through nourishing self-care, we flourish and blossom.


  • Self- awareness is the essential starting point for personal development and well-being.
  • When we are self-aware, we are tuned into our inner guidance system. This helps us make wise choices.
  • Without self-awareness, we can be on automatic, following unhelpful habits.
  • Increased awareness provides insights into previously unconscious drivers and patterns. This can be liberating.


  • Instead of being automatic and habitual, we can make conscious choices.
  • Choice creates fresh new possibilities.
  • Choice is intentional and empowers you.
  • Conscious choice, and action, affect positive change.

Creating genuine impact for you

This course is designed to bring meaningful value to you, so you live more lightly and brightly. I take care to ensure that content and style support genuine impact in your life.

At the end of each session, you will have the chance to identify what feels most useful. You can take that tool or idea into your lives and test it out. Then when we next meet, there will be an opportunity for some shares on any progress, celebrations, discoveries, and challenges.

Also, in the course, I will provide tips that help you turn ‘nice ideas’ into ‘things you actually do’. You can create embedded new habits that enhance your life.

You’ll have the chance to be paired up with a fellow course attendee, as your ‘support buddy’. This supports impact. I recommend you meet once a week for 30 minutes online, on the phone, or however suits you – for connection, sharing and accountability. I offer a helpful framework for when you connect with your support buddy.


Here’s a flavour of how some people have experienced Tall Spaghetti courses and coaching…

“You were the single biggest influence in my personal development.”

“Invaluable practical tips that will make a big impact. Thank you.”

“I like how passionate you were about the subject. It really comes across during the session.”

“Rachael has a completely natural and powerful style. Hardly a day goes by where I am not putting into practice what I’ve learnt.”

“A massive journey – a revelation – transformational.”

A little about Tall Spaghetti and myself

I care about people living in a fulfilling, joyful, light, relaxed, and authentic way, and my passion is to support people in this. I am deeply involved in my inner work and this is the foundation that my work sits upon. I have crashed and burnt, experienced ups and downs, faced my shadows, learnt, healed, grown, and evolved. I continue to evolve. I live wholeheartedly with vulnerability, curiosity, exploration, and wonderful discoveries about what is most helpful.

You can read more about my background, and why I do the work, I do here.

I have been working in this field since 2005 via my business, Tall Spaghetti, supporting others in experiencing positive change.

I have trained in NLP, coaching and mindfulness.

In Tall Spaghetti, I have predominantly delivered training and coaching in businesses – in well-being, mindfulness, confidence, and personal development. Along the way, I have offered occasional courses for individuals (non-workplace). And I am delighted to now offer this Light and Bright Course to individuals – to you!

Course Schedule

Watch this space for the dates of the next Light & Bright Course. You can be the first to find out, by signing up to the waiting list via the form below.

We meet on Zoom once a week over a 7 week period. Each session lasts 2 hours.

You are encouraged to attend live. If you can’t be there live, sessions will be recorded and available to stream for a limited time.

Cost of course

The course cost is £295.

An early bird discount will be available.

If you are in financial hardship, but wish to attend, I have a limited number of reduced price places. Please get in touch.

Join the waiting list

Complete the form below and you’ll be added to the waiting list for the next Light & Bright.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Want to ask some questions about the course or find out more?

If you have any questions or would like to chat to me individually about the course, I am happy to help. Please contact me via the form above. Or you can call me on 07876 495 968

Stay connected

Sign up to Tall Spaghetti newsletter here for tools, ideas, and inspiration. I’ll also keep you informed of the latest offerings to support your well-being & personal growth.

You can follow me on Facebook to be lifted by content relating to well-being, mindfulness, and personal growth.