Liberation, Creative Self-Expression and Effortlessness

There was a long gap when I didn’t write any blogs for my business. One key reason for this is that it would take me sooooo long to write them, as I tried to drill down to find the perfect word or expression and to really put my finger on what I was trying to say. I would get in such a tangle. I would drive myself slightly mad.

It felt so permanent, somehow, in black and white. When working with people live (training or coaching), I’ve always felt comfortable to just speak, to express. But when something is recorded – in a blog, video or similar, I have experienced some block, some resistance.

At some level I must have been putting such a pressure on myself to ‘get it right’. Perfectionist tendencies is a theme that has definitely come up in my life! It’s not uncommon. But it limits my self-expression and my freedom.

When I have ideas and I experience the impulse, then I choose to put them out there; freely, effortlessly and in my unique voice. There is no external standard I am ‘supposed’ to meet. I am free to express myself how I do and as I am.

This is a rebellion against the pressure I can impose on myself. We create so much pressure on ourselves, I feel. Can we notice that and just stop? And just act. And just ‘be’. Knowing that that is fine. In fact, it’s perfect.

Liberation, creative self-expression, effortlessness – this is what I now choose. What about you?

And I am posting this unedited, as an act of freedom from perfection. And I am hereby stating my intention to edit less, to self-censor less. Join me? Let’s be freeeee together!